Hi there!

I'm your cool new webpage. Made with Glitch!

A sample HTML page might look like this:
Environment Open Sublime. Go to the File menu and choose Open... and choose the folder that your html and js files are located in. On the left sidebar, you should find the folder name at the top, with a list of the files contained in the folder directly below. Click on your sketch.js file and it will open on the right where you can edit it. p5 starter code opened up in sublime editor." Open the index.html file in your browser by double clicking on it in your file manager or type: file:///the/file/path/to/your/html (or http://localhost:{your-port-num}/empty-example if you are using a local server) in the address bar to view your sketch. Parts of this tutorial were adapted from the book, Getting Started with p5.js, by Lauren McCarthy, Casey Reas, and Ben Fry, O'Reilly / Make 2015. Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. Last modified at the p5.js 2019 Contributors Conference. Credits p5.js is currently led by Moira Turner and was created by Lauren Lee McCarthy. p5.js is developed by a community of collaborators, with support from the Processing Foundation and NYU ITP. Identity and graphic design by Jerel Johnson. © Info.